It’s been a while since I’ve manually activated Windows XP via the Telephone with Microsoft. I’ve always found the Automated Telephone Service a mild chore, but quite straight forward and easy to use.
At a customer site this afternoon, a re-install of Windows XP refused to activate via the Internet, so off to the telephone I went.
The initial process remains straight forward, call a freefone (or “Toll Free” in American Windows speak) number and you are then prompted to answer a number of other questions including where you’ve purchased the software, whether you’ve significantly changed hardware and so forth. All reasonable questions and easy to answer.
The question that made me laugh out loud at it’s bizarreness was…
“How many PC’s have you installed this license on? Press 1 for 2 or more PC’s, Press 2 for 1 PC”.
Got that?
You didn’t press 1 thinking it’d mean, you know, you’ve installed it on just 1 PC?
Thankfully, experience has taught me not to jump ahead in these situations and so I held on to press 2…
… for 1 PC…
I think…