If you’re a user of the AVG Rescue CD then you might find the following script from my good mate Matt Barton of Ostrich IT in Devon useful.
Quite simply, if you drop the script as an “auto run” on the USB key-disk that you store your latest AVG definitions for the Rescue CD on, then each time you pop that key-disk it into a USB slot, it will:-
- Delete any existing definitions on the key-disk
- Download new ones direct from AVG’s FTP site
- Quit – leaving you to safely eject the USB key-disk and go!
Thanks to Matt for providing a quick and easy solution to keeping your USB key-disk up-to date with those ever changing AVG definitions!
Here’s the script:-
del /q *.bin
ftp -i -s:%0
open ftp.grisoft.cz
lcd .
cd pub
cd softw
cd 70
cd update
mget u7avi*.bin