Like many of you other hopeless addicts I am guilty of wasting time each week using Social Networking web-site Facebook and in particular the number of useless but usually harmless and fun applications available there.
In recent weeks though, I’ve noticed a trend for applications (usually Questionnaire type apps – “Are you addicted to Facebook?”, “What kind of person are you?” or similar) to insist (or in other words, force…) on you inviting friends to use the app too before the app will reveal it’s answers to you. Now I don’t particular want to spam friends with an invitation to use an app they may or may not want to use – so this type of application behaviour certainly irritates me.
Yet to make matters worse, PC Pro reports that one such Facebook app – “Secret Crush” – may open up the users computer to Spyware infection. It’s at this stage that such application usage goes from becoming irritating to downright dangerous.
As with all such Internet phenomenon’s that become mega-popular, Facebook is now being targeted by the undesirable elements of the Internet and may have to take urgent steps to tighten up it’s security. I’d suggest one way of curbing the spread of such apps may be to prevent users from inviting one another install applications – I’d much prefer to see on my Facebook News Feed that a friend has installed an app and if it sounds interesting, actively click-thru and try to install it. This is opposed to the current situation where I have so many Facebook application invitations that I rarely bother to look at them anymore…
1 thought on Secret Crush Facebook App Installs Spyware
7TH MAY 2008 11:05:24
oh that was a surprise for me