How to fix a Web-Browser that is being re-directed to

Tubblog - The Hub for MSPs

At the danger of incurring the wrath of my buddy “Angry” Andy Parkes again by being too techie three blog posts in a row – we had an “interesting” problem reported by a client this morning that I thought I’d share.

Despite having a fully up-to date and working Trend Worry Free Business Securityclient in place, they’d “somehow” got themselves infected with what they thought was a virus.

We won’t investigate the events leading up to the “somehow” but instead concentrate on what effect the infection had on the laptop.

In a nutshell the problem was that Internet Explorer kept intermittently re-directing their web-browsing to the dodgy search engine web-site windowsclick(dot)com.

We advised the client we could deal with the problem, and so grabbed our AV tools and went to work. Except non of our usual toolkit did work – both Trend and Symantec didn’t find any infections during Live Scans, and every time we went to visit Windows Update, Trend or Symantec sites or run any other AV tools – nothing – the site or application simply failed to run at all. We got 404 Errors or simply no GUI appearing.

We’d normally turn to some live tools such as Bart’s PE to help kill the virus outside of an active Windows session, but in this case I was intrigued to what was happening to prevent any AV tools running.

A bit of research later and we found some reports of success using the tools provided by clean this threat – and so off we went and grabbed a copy of their Anti-Malware application to see what it could find.

It installed ok on the infected laptop – but then failed to run, just like the other AV tools we had tried. So I tried something different – I renamed the Anti-Malware executable file slightly. Voila! This time the software loaded and allowed me to run an update, do a malware scan, find the baddies (in this case, a Virus called Rogue.XPPoliceAntiVirus) and remove them successfully.

So – I’m unsure whether any other tools would work in the same way, but in this particular case, simply installing Malwarebytes Anti-Malwareand after installation re-naming the executable mbam.exe within C:Program FilesMalwarebytes’ Anti-Malware (in this case to mbyam.exe) worked a treat!

And another addition to the AV Toolkit – Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware.


Richard Tubb is one of the best-known experts within the global IT Managed Service Provider (MSP) community. He launched and sold his own MSP business before creating a leading MSP media and consultancy practice. Richard helps IT business owner’s take back control by freeing up their time and building a business that can run without them. He’s the author of the book “The IT Business Owner’s Survival Guide” and writer of the award-winning blog

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7 thoughts on How to fix a Web-Browser that is being re-directed to


2ND MARCH 2009 16:49:21

Your Client needs Comodo Internet Security. :PThough it probably is too demanding for him...


8TH MARCH 2009 07:14:45

Thank you very much for posting this! Saved me from trying to backup and reformat!


8TH MARCH 2009 09:06:49

Brandon - you're welcome, glad it was of help!


11TH MARCH 2009 18:28:26

Well, thankyou,.Have had this windowsclick for a few days, and was drving me mad,and my dad. Have spent hours installing different things to sort it,,and trying to get good information,,,but mostly windowsclick shite would stop me all in my tracksm,.,.So have just found your blog,,and it all worked,..I had found out about the malwarebytes,...but not how to make it install and update and scan,..finally found loads of stuff,,and deleted the windowsclick UAC files on restart,..Great,,Thankyou ))))


13TH MARCH 2009 19:18:12

Matthew - appreciate you taking the time to leave feedback and glad the blog post was useful to you!


21ST APRIL 2009 01:13:58

Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Changing the name of the exe file worked and then found three dozen instances in a 10-minute scan. All were removed and the cpu works just fine. Gordon


10TH AUGUST 2009 18:33:57

i'm just scanning now, but this already found 7 things that none of my other scanners picked up..I LOVE YOU LOL...I shall report back when finished with the malwarebytes scan :p

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