Robert Crane over in Australia e-mailed me recently about some of my blog articles concerning using Sharepoint v2.
Robert, like others, has asked why I’m using Sharepoint v2 to organise my companies information instead of skipping straight to Sharepoint v3 – which is vastly superior. The simple answer I gave is – I needed to hit the ground running and Sharepoint v2 was available and immediately ready to go on our SBS 2003 R2 installation. I’m sure as time allows I’ll progress onto WSS v3 but for now the urgent need is to work on my business, not on the technology behind it.
Robert also pointed out a site he maintains, SupportWeb, built using Sharepoint 2007. On it’s own the site is an impressive demonstration of what you can build with Sharepoint, but apart from that it includes a lot of information and articles that any IT Professional would find useful. The site runs on a Paid Subscription basis for some content, but many articles are freely available.
Kudos to Robert for the site and the vast quantity of information he makes available to others.
1 thought on Looking at Supportweb – a Sharepoint Knowledgebase
1ST JUNE 2008 03:19:50
Ah Richard, you are to kind. The Supportweb site isn't a work of art and it isn'tthe quickest site I'll admit but I have tried to create something that I can use everyday (and likewise for consultants like me) but also as a way of saying, hey look at what you can do quickly and easily with Sharepoint v3. I keep working everyday to improve what I offer people, especially in the way of Sharepoint information but generally SBS info. The best thing about Supportweb is that I can maintain all my content (including my blog) and have it all searchable! So when I'm out on site and looking for something I know is in there I simply log in and do a search. For me that alone has saved me so much time and frustration. Why other consultants haven't done the same I'll never know! If I can I'd also like to plu my Sharepoint v3 Operations Guide at which is an extensive collection of information specifically targetted at Windows Sharepoint v3, especially on SBS. I believe you'll find information here that isn't readily available on the Internet or in books. It is offered as a paid subscription as I continue to add and improve information into the guide. For more information go to the site and the first chapter is available for download. Once again many thanks for you kind words. I hope that my little site goes someway to repaying the assistance I have gotten from blogs like yours and others in the community. Thanks Robert