I’m working with a Business Consultant at the moment with a view to growing the business and improving my own productivity. Time management is important to success.
One of the areas to be addressed that has cropped up is quantifying how my time is spent when I’m in the office. I’ve found it difficult to keep a running diary of all the little jobs that I do repetitively, as well handling interruptions, small tasks, etc.
A small VBScipt may be my saviour. QuickLoggerPlus allows you to assign a Keyboard Shortcut (in my case, Ctrl-T) which once pressed pops up a small box allowing you to enter the Task you are working on. This text is then time stamped and appended to a plain text file for each day. Want to know where your time went? Quickly review that file at the end of the day/week to see.
Simple – but effective. I’ll report back in the near future to pass on how effective it has been in practical use.