My Mobile Phone Experiment, Part Three – Thoughts on Android

My Mobile Phone Experiment, Part Three – Thoughts on Android image

AndroidAfter reluctantly saying goodbye to my HTC HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 device earlier this year, I started an experiment. Grabbing a SIM Only Deal from mobile carrier, Three – I would, in turn, use an iPhone, a Windows Phone device and an Android device for a few weeks at a time each, using them in anger as my sole device for day-to-day activities, both business and leisure.

  1. You can read about my original motivations for this experiment here.
  2. You can read part one of this experiment – my thoughts on the iPhone here.
  3. You can read part two of this experiment – my thoughts on the Windows Phone here.

At the start of September, my friend Steve Silk at Staffordshire University provided me with a HTC Sensation running Android 2.3.

So how did I find it? Read on!

Thoughts on the HTC Sensation

HTC SensationFirstly, this experiment isn’t about the handsets themselves – it’s more about understanding the capabilities of the various Mobile Operating Systems out there. That said, the HTC Sensation looks beautiful – with a large bright 4.3” screen, very thin design but comfortable enough in the hand – plus a dual-core 1.2GHz processor, making it really fast in use, and an impressive 8 Mega-Pixel Camera.

I initially felt uncomfortable using the catch to take the back of the case off to insert the SIM card, as the case does feel plasticky and flimsy, but got used to it over time. The Micro-USB charging slot is on the left hand side, which feels awkward too – and the power button on the top of the device doesn’t feel comfortable initially as it’s too thin, but again, you get used to it. You’ll hear that phrase “I got used to it” a lot…

The Sensation boots up quickly… sometimes. I’ve gone from pressing the power button to entering my SIM PIN and being at the home screen in as little as 5 seconds on most occasions, yet on others it inexplicably takes 30 seconds or more from the SIM PIN to arriving at the home screen. It’s still faster than most other Smartphones I’ve tried though.

Setting up an Android device

Through the setup stage, and no surprise here, you’ll need a Google account. Everything revolves around a Google account, so if you’re going Android, get used to using Google.

imageOn the home-screen, HTC have placed their HTC Sense interface on top of the usual Android UI. As a fan of HTC Sense, I quickly got to grips with this and was swiping left and right between the numerous home pages you’re offered to install Widgets and App shortcuts.

Talking of Widgets, which are small “always active” apps on the Android screen, HTC bundle a load of them out of the box – from Calendars to Agendas to something HTC call “Friend Stream”, a Twitter-like display of all your friends Twitter and Facebook updates. I found myself using it a lot. There are also a ton of widgets you can download for free. The home-screen may not look too impressive at first glance, but you can customise it to your own specifications very quickly.

Android gives the ability to create folders on a home-screen to contain Apps, but it’s far from intuitive to do this. I had to ask a fellow Android user to show me how. Once you’ve got it, it’s simple. Likewise adding App shortcuts and moving them between folders is simple, but clunky. This was the start of a number of indications that Apple’s iOS is simply easier to jump right in and get working with when compared to Android, but that Android is more customisable. Another running theme in my findings.

Social Media on Android

Google+ ScreenshotGetting back to Social Media, and I was blown away by how well Android and HTC Sense integrates with not just Twitter and Facebook, but LinkedIn, Google+ as well as Exchange, GoogleMail, Flickr, Foursquare and seemingly anything else you wanted to use. Once you’ve setup an account for each of these platforms, the HTC Sensation pulls all the updates and any other information from them and presents it in a unified fashion within your contacts screen. It *can* get messy, the Sensation occasionally got confused with duplicate GoogleMail and Exchange information – but on the whole it’s fairly amazing to be able to see all your friends latest Facebook updates, their Mobile numbers (whether pulled from Exchange or Facebook), Flickr pictures, Twitter updates and everything else in one location. Of course, you can use the individual apps for Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, etc. as normal – but if you’re a heavy Social Media user, then you’ll love Android.

Android Notifications

Android is hot on notifications. It’ll automatically notify you of new e-mails, voicemails, SMS, Facebook messages, Google+ updates, software upgrades, patches and… just about anything it can. All of these are present in a non-obtrusive way in the notification bar at the top of the home screen, which you slide your finger down to open and view. Initially, all these notifications can become a distraction – constantly sat winking at you from the top of the screen. Over time I learned to quieten the Sensation though – turning off notifications and learning to resist the temptation to act upon others. Android is *very* customisable from this perspective. Out of the box it can blow your mind with all the info it presents, but as you become comfortable you can tailor it to your own liking.

Android Email Support

As you’d expect, GoogleMail is supported very well under Android. It’s very easy to setup and you can easily archive messages, read HTML messages, and do just about everything you’d do in GoogleMail.

Microsoft Exchange support was just as easy to setup, and reading and responding to e-mails was a pleasure within the Android GUI. Frustratingly though, Android (like iOS and WP7) doesn’t support Exchange Tasks and Notes. Again I’ve got to ask, if Windows Mobile 6.5 supported these features years ago, why don’t modern SmartPhones? Bizarre. There is a 3rd Party app called Touchdown which brings Tasks and Note support into Android, but it feels a standalone app rather than integrated into the Android experience, and so I couldn’t find myself comfortable using it. Google – as well as Apple and Microsoft – please support Exchange Tasks and Notes in your Smartphones!

SMS on Android

The SMS client was very easy to use, with threaded messages and the ability to forward SMS to other contacts. I did notice that Android grouped together conversations though, so if you sent a group SMS – then your inbox would show that conversation separately, but not under individuals SMS threads. I’m guessing this can be changed, and I can see why this would be of benefit to some people, but I occasionally found it confusing.

Wi-Fi Setup

Wi-Fi is a breeze to setup. You’re instantly notified (see the pattern here?) when an Open Signal is available, and it’s a few clicks to setup your favourite Wi-Fi connections. Once you’ve set a number of Wi-Fi connections up, Android automatically and seamlessly connects to them as you move around. However… this hammers the battery something rotten. I found that using the HTC Sensation as a web browsing device killed the battery life, and it wasn’t unusual for me to require a charge after 90 minutes or so solid use. Not good.

Green Power Battery SaverAs with all the shortcomings in Android though, there are workarounds. I installed an app called Green Power Free that turns off Wi-Fi when the device isn’t in use. It helped, but the battery life on the Sensation is still really poor – I couldn’t get a full days use of it without some charging in between.

Android App Market

Getting back to Apps though, and this is where Android excels. The Android Market isn’t quite as nice an experience as Apple’s AppStore, but it is packed full of apps – some good, some shockingly bad. Whereas Apple vet all apps that appear in their appstore, Google don’t place the same restrictions on. This becomes self-regulating though as you find yourself using apps based on Word of Mouth recommendations or the ratings other users have given the app in the Market.

I couldn’t find a single App that I used on iOS missing from the Android Market. What’s more, I found a few Apps that I would have loved to have used on IOS but couldn’t find, available on Android. Overall, I think I prefer Android’s Open policy to Apple’s vetted apps policy as it allows more variety.

You might think that all these 3rd party apps (especially the poor ones) affect stability. Well, during a months use the Sensation crashed and rebooted just one time. Throughout the rest of the time I noticed one or two inexplicable slow-down’s, occasionally, but overall the platform was really robust.

Moving between Android Apps is fairly easy – pressing and holding the Home Button on the HTC Sensation brings up recent apps for you to browse through, and pressing the back button sometimes takes you back to your previous app. I say sometimes, because other times it didn’t seem to work and I had to manually go and find the app to re-visit it. With full multi-tasking support for all apps though, this wasn’t a problem as every app was presented in exactly the same state you left it.

Web Browsing on Android

Web Browsing is a great experience (battery life problems, as we’ve discussed, apart). I installed the free Dolphin Browser HD to replace the built in web-browser, and didn’t look back. It’s a pleasure to use, with the ability to pinch and zoom in on screens with text being wrapped automatically, and share content with any of the Social Media sites integrated into Android.

Android supports Adobe Flash, and there are great apps for both YouTube and BBC iPlayer. If the HTC Sensation had a more resilient battery, you could easily use this as your one and only media device.

The HTC Sensation has a physical Search button, and was context sensitive. Press it from the home screen and you’re presented with a Google Web Search box. Press it within Facebook, and you’re presented with a Facebook friend search. Very neat.

No Physical Camera Button

There is no physical camera button though, which is irritating if you’re a Social snapper like myself. The camera app is pretty amazing though, taking good quality shots and offering you the ability to easily tidy them up with crops and auto-enhancements, before sending them directly to Facebook, Flickr, Twitter or any other 3rd Party app you’ve installed. It doesn’t just blindly send the picture either – the Facebook app allows you to tag people, the Twitter app allows you to add Hashtags – just a really good experience.

Google+ Android App ScreenshotOne feature that did have me going “Wow” was the Google+ app feature that automatically captures and uploads any photos you take on the camera to a private location on the web, and then easily allowing you to share those pictures on Google+. A great way to both backup your snaps and share them.

Again, if you’re a Social Media person, you’ll love Android.

You don’t really need a PC to use this ‘phone, as it sets up out of the box and it’s easy to install apps and run Android updates over the air. However, if you do connect it to a PC then you can browse the device as a drive, or install software to use the PC’s Internet connection from your ‘phone – a useful feature I used whilst avoiding Roaming Data charges in Europe during the test.

Doggcatcher ScreenshotI didn’t play a lot of games on the Android, but there are tons to choose from. Likewise, I only used the Android to listen to Podcasts (using the great Doggcatcher app) and the occasional tune via the integrated FM Radio rather than lots of music, but it was intuitive to use, and I felt comfortable leaving behind my iPod Touch in favour of an all-in-one device like the Sensation.

Thoughts on Android

By this stage you’re probably getting the impression I liked Android. You’d be right. It isn’t as intuitive as iOS, nor does it have the clean style of Windows Phone, and for that reason I didn’t pick up the ‘phone and become instantly “Wowed”. But for every irritation I came across, I found that Android’s customisation ability allowed me to overcome that irritation. What’s more, time and time again I came across instances where I thought “It’d be nice to be able to do this…” and investigation showed that Android allowed me to do that.

You’ll gather I think that Android’s Social Media integration is incredible. I thought iOS was good in this area, but it can’t hold a candle to Android – which offers an amazing choice of options to remain connected and share content.


It’s been a month since I began using Android, and a strange feeling has come over me. Unlike Apple iPhone users, or even Windows Phone users, I don’t feel voraciously defensive about Android. If I’m asked how Android is, I won’t staunchly defend the Android platform against the sticks and stones of others. I just smile and say “Well, I like it”.

Unlike the Apple iPhone – it doesn’t “just work”. It takes a bit of time to get used to, and for the non-techy this will be a challenge, but once mastered, you can customise it to the hilt to do everything you want, exactly as you want it.

Unlike the Windows Phone – it doesn’t blow your socks off the first time you see it. But it feels very much like Windows Phone in that it’s challenging the way you’re used to doing things, and offering you new, more efficient ways of doing stuff on a day-to-day basis.

But you know what? After a month, it feels comfortable and it works just how I want it too – both as a business device and a consumer device for a Social Media addict.

I really don’t want to give the HTC Sensation back. If I had a choice of which Mobile Operating System I’d like to use tomorrow, it’d probably be Android, but oddly I’m sure I’d begrudgingly live with a Windows Phone or an iPhone too.

I’m aware the HTC Sensation is a pretty kick-arse handset in terms of capabilities and has a ton of HTC customisation goodness to it. To this end I’m going to grab another lower spec HTC Android handset to see how that performs, and I’m also going to grab a non-HTC Android handset (the Samsung Galaxy S2 springs to mind) to see what the non-HTC Android experience is like.

Windows Phone Mango

Since I started the experiment, Windows Phone’s latest update – Mango – has also been released. As promised, as the next part of this experiment I’m going to revisit the Windows Phone platform with the Mango update to see what has changed there.

Despite having tested the three main mobile O/S from Apple, Microsoft and Google – this experiment is far from over. I think it’s fair to say you can see my clear favourites emerging though.

Watch this space. Smile



Richard Tubb is one of the best-known experts within the global IT Managed Service Provider (MSP) community. He launched and sold his own MSP business before creating a leading MSP media and consultancy practice. Richard helps IT business owner’s take back control by freeing up their time and building a business that can run without them. He’s the author of the book “The IT Business Owner’s Survival Guide” and writer of the award-winning blog

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19 thoughts on My Mobile Phone Experiment, Part Three – Thoughts on Android


5TH OCTOBER 2011 12:58:08

A few people have mentioned the inability for tasks to sync to their android device, but I have never experienced this. Using a cloud based Exchange provider, once I add a task, this shows up fairly quickly in the task app in android.


5TH OCTOBER 2011 13:01:50

Great write up :-) One question - you talked about the great social media integration. How much of that was down to HTC Sense? If you'd used a non-HTC handeset would your experience have been as good?


5TH OCTOBER 2011 13:11:41

Good question Mr Parkes...I do think HTC add quite a lot in that area from what I've seen...


5TH OCTOBER 2011 13:12:47

I'm using Microsoft BPOS as my Exchange provider, and I'm not seeing any tasks synchronised to the HTC Sensation. I wonder if it's a provider based service? Seems unlikely.


5TH OCTOBER 2011 13:13:34

Andy - great question, and I suspect HTC Sense is responsible for a lot of the integration. As I mentioned, I'm going to grab a non-HTC Android device to see how the experience varies away from HTC Sense though.


5TH OCTOBER 2011 13:14:09

I only ask because Ric and I both got our Windows Mobile 6.5 devices at the same time. Both were HTC devices but he got one with HTC Sense whereas I didn't our experiences were vastly different.


5TH OCTOBER 2011 13:15:27

Sorry...appear to have completely skipped over that part of your post :-s


5TH OCTOBER 2011 14:37:01

I enjoyed reading all your posts in this little series, they pretty much match up with my experiences. I've been using an HTC Desire for the last 18 months, but oddly didn't like the Sense integration so I removed it and installed Cyanogenmod 7. Suddenly I felt like I'd just bought an entirely new phone, HTC Sense really dragged the Android experience down for me! However, as Andy points out above the social media integration is pretty reliant on HTC Sense. I do miss that aspect in Cyanogenmod... however, as you kept saying, it's Android, so I'm sure there's an acceptable solution. it's just I've not been that bothered to look!


5TH OCTOBER 2011 14:43:41

Luffer - thanks for the feedback, and glad you enjoyed the posts. More to come! As I explained to a friend about Android this morning, it's possible for one Android 'phone to have a completely different "experience" to another. HTC Sense is just another customisation (albeit one I'm in favour of) but as you mention, there are a ton of other UI's out there to try. I really like the Android platform for this ability to tailor your experience to your own specifications.


5TH OCTOBER 2011 14:58:48

I think another important point to be made regarding Android which you touched on in your article is freedom. While iOS has a locked down App Store, the Google Market is totally open. However, it doesn't even end there, you can also install and use the Amazon app store if you like! I think Google have actually harmed the Android experience by allowing so much customisation though. It's a double edged sword! As you say, some people who have used a customised Android have had terrible experiences, but it really isn't Android at fault but rather some horrendous "skin" such as TouchWiz! The stock Android OS is fantastic, but phone manufacturers feel they have to make their phones different to their competitors. It just fragments the market, makes updates hard or impossible to get and generally just damages the Android experience.


5TH OCTOBER 2011 15:04:21

As someone who has used HTC devices for many years and only recently switched to another make, Sense makes a huge difference on the social media side. It's almost spooky how it can go through all your social media connections and tie them up to your contacts. On the other hand, Samsung's offering on that is a bit pants and a lot of manual work is required to get to the same level. If Social media connectivity is important to you in a device, HTC wins that battle hands down. As an overlay to Android, Sense is swish and ties everything together nicely. Again something missing from other android devices I've used.


5TH OCTOBER 2011 15:14:24

"It’s almost spooky how it can go through all your social media connections and tie them up to your contacts." LIke Windows Phone 7 does? ;-)


5TH OCTOBER 2011 16:13:20

But HTC and MS have been making phones together for over 10 years. There's bound to be some crossover of the good stuff.


5TH OCTOBER 2011 21:44:02

A great and objective post. Having owned and used an iPhone 3G for two years an giving it some serious hammer the one thing that struck me from day one was the lack of identity. Having previously owned a Windows Mobile 6.5 device it was first and foremost an organiser which was also a phone. Moving to the iPhone, from the moment it was switched on it just didn't ooze the same sense of identity as it appeared to everything but nothing at the same time. When the Windows Phone 7 launched I bit the bullet and went all in for a Samsung Omnia 7 which on the whole has been good. Windows Phone 7 has managed to maintain it's sense of identity as when you switch it on you are greeted with your calendar which for me was great. Overall it works very well, the only really downside in the OS is that it lacks the maturity for the App Marketplace that Apple has which means that the choice of apps are not the same. For me though the handset/OS has one MAJOR fault in that it does not always record calls in the call log. This means that you could have missed a call but the phone would have not record or you could have been speaking to someone but when you check back through the call log again there is no record. Since my memory is not the greatest, I have always relied on this function on any phone and having this prove to be so unreliable has caused me a number embarrassment with clients on a number of occasions. This alone has left me looking after just 12 months at Android based phones in the hope of salvation. I have to say that I am a little saddened by this as I do like the Windows Phone 7 but it's always the little things that let products down :-(


6TH OCTOBER 2011 12:27:38

Now now Andy - no "format wars" here please. (Unless it's Amiga vs Atari, and even then we know Atari wins...) ;-)


6TH OCTOBER 2011 12:30:03

Rob - great points, and I'd say one of the benefits of Android is it's open nature. There is a thriving community that can help you fix issues you come across, be they bugs or not. I'm now onto using Mango on WP7 so we'll see how that changes my opinion of the platform.


31ST OCTOBER 2011 11:07:17

[...] You can read part three of this experiment – my thoughts on Android here. [...]


14TH MAY 2012 19:26:54

you can have android platform on your htc hd2 and it will run faster than it did using it for windows the htc hd2 is an awsome phone for firmware and swapping platforms look it up install android gingerbread 3.3.5 on your htc hd2 or install ice cream sandwhich 4.0 on it its not as hard as you think to do and it runs better than a phone built to run android os the htc hd can run virtually any os and run it better than the devices that came with android os factory installed alot of techy's keep there htc hd2 still with them along with there latest phones as they are just that good and with accelerators add there amazing still now in 2012 when they came out in 2009 this phone just wont die you can run windows 7 on it to and all these os are really very stable i recoment gingerbread 2.3 phone is lightning quick with it love the android os its just too good....


14TH MAY 2012 21:02:03

Tristan - good to see the HTC HD2 is still going strong! It's a great device with a strong following!

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