The launch of the Apple iPhone

Tubblog - The Hub for MSPs

Apple’s much vaunted iPhone went on sale in the U.S. over the weekend – with all the madness that you’d now associate with such a launch! BBC News has a good article on the launch fever, and my bestest buddy Texas Matt grabbed one himself.

Personally, I find it incredibly hard to get so excited about any new piece of technology nowadays. When I see people sleeping overnight outside a store to be first in line to buy a new PS3, XBox 360 or iPhone – I wonder – why?

It’s not as though I don’t go all geeky excited when I read about new technology, I just can’t imagine getting that excited – and that actually makes me a little sad and wistful for earlier years in my life when the release of a new Graphics Card or Computer Game *did* blow my mind.

Anyone else feel this way too, or am I just turning into a miserable old geek? 🙂


Richard Tubb is one of the best-known experts within the global IT Managed Service Provider (MSP) community. He launched and sold his own MSP business before creating a leading MSP media and consultancy practice. Richard helps IT business owner’s take back control by freeing up their time and building a business that can run without them. He’s the author of the book “The IT Business Owner’s Survival Guide” and writer of the award-winning blog

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5 thoughts on The launch of the Apple iPhone


2ND JULY 2007 09:30:41

I know what you mean. I did get all geek excited when the XBox 360 was launched but not excited enough to be camped out somewhere   Even if demand was so high i couldn't get hold of one for months (a la PS3) i would have just waited   I remember getting all excited when MS annouced UMPC but i'm sure glad i didn't get one of those straight away!  


2ND JULY 2007 10:25:39

I got a bit excited about it - but not enough to either camp out or even buy one. I've got a phone (two in fact) that I'm happy with and am not in the market for a new one until the one I mainly use slips off the mortal mobile coil to the great cellphone mast in the clouds. Then I read an article where Apple were heralding the extension of the battery life from 6 hours to 8 hours and was extremely glad I had no intention of buying one. Hardly that mobile if you've got to carry a charger around with you during the day to keep the thing going! I get annoyed at having to charge mine every other night (or more precisely I get annoyed when I forget to charge it every other night)!


2ND JULY 2007 10:27:10

Oh - and yes Rich - you're just a miserable old Geek ;o)


2ND JULY 2007 10:32:32

Mike - I knew I could rely on a Microsoft employee to jump at the bait of calling me miserable. ;-)Like you, I've got a 'phone I'm very happy with. A T-Mobile MDA Vario II. 3G enabled, I use it for everything from Sat-Nav to e-mail to a Wi-Fi Detector to... oh yes, a phone!


2ND JULY 2007 16:55:20

I know what you mean, the hype rarely lives up to the reality.   I still get excited and then disappointed!

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