How to fix “Cannot copy file. The Parameter Is Incorrect” error

Tubblog - The Hub for MSPs

Had a head-scratcher today whilst migrating some data from a 500GB External USB HDD to a new 1TB External USB HDD, both attached to a client server.

Some of the data refused to copy across, throwing up a “Cannot copy file. The Parameter Is Incorrect Error” each time. Same error when the copy was attempted in DOS, RoboCopy or XCOPY.

Upon investigation, each of the problematic files were 10GB+ in size – and suddenly the realisation dawned – that the new external HDD was formatted as FAT32 and not NTFS, and thus suffered from FAT32’s 4GB file limit.

A quick format to NTFS on the drive, and I was able to copy those large files across without issue.

Obviously, I have become so used to working with large files nowadays that sometimes I forget things weren’t always this way!


Richard Tubb is one of the best-known experts within the global IT Managed Service Provider (MSP) community. He launched and sold his own MSP business before creating a leading MSP media and consultancy practice. Richard helps IT business owner’s take back control by freeing up their time and building a business that can run without them. He’s the author of the book “The IT Business Owner’s Survival Guide” and writer of the award-winning blog

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18 thoughts on How to fix “Cannot copy file. The Parameter Is Incorrect” error


28TH AUGUST 2008 15:17:05

FAT32 may have been OK back in your atari days, but today it just doesn't cut it. :)


28TH AUGUST 2008 16:36:40

How weird is that...had a conversation with a customer this week over the same thing   Pointed him to this:  Reformatted the drive and all sorted!


22ND FEBRUARY 2009 11:32:21

FAT32 didn't exist in the Atari days - it was FAT16


13TH AUGUST 2013 16:47:51

I use 7-Zip to split any files larger than 4GB into 650MB Chunks. (7-Zip limitis what size you can split them into but, anything under 4GB works.) I then use Robocopy to copy each chunk down and use 7-Zip to reassemble the chunks back into the file. It even works with SQL Backup files. I haven't tried to automate this yet as I don't have to do it too often.


13TH AUGUST 2013 17:19:46

Dave - thanks for the tip!


28TH AUGUST 2013 19:29:51

There is a free tool at


1ST SEPTEMBER 2013 09:49:02

Thanks - free tools are always good to hear about! :-)


24TH OCTOBER 2013 16:46:32

GSCopy Pro v6.0 (RoboCopy Alternative) with Open File Agent GSCopyPro is a single command-line tool (CLI) that can copy, replicate and move files from one folder to another. This folder can be on the same machine/ server or another server elsewhere. What makes GSCopyPro stand out from other competitors is the fact it works on 32-bit as well as 64-bit systems and has no restrictions. It can easily be scheduled to run as a scheduled task and fully automated. GSCopyPro also comes with an open file agent which can copy files that are locked/ opened by other processes. This feature is supported in all windows versions from widows XP/ 2003 and later. Go To:>>


24TH AUGUST 2014 09:52:12

Thanks! Richard, I've had a real AHA! Moment just now, after hours and hours of frustration before I read you post here. AHA! Of course I should have known that - because I did - but I just didn't think of it like that. Thank you, thank you for making your post here! By the way, the free tools sound good, and the 7Zip split is another interesting idea too. Cheers, everyone!


26TH AUGUST 2014 10:16:48

Tony - you're welcome. So glad I was able to help save you more frustration! I appreciate the feedback re: 7Zip Split too!


12TH FEBRUARY 2015 14:25:52

This will do the trick. All you need to do is follow these steps and then you will be able to copy the files. 1.Close any open programs running on the partition or logical drive to be converted. 2.Click the Start button Picture of the Start button, click All Programs, click Accessories, right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run as administrator. Administrator permission required If you're prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation. 3.At the command prompt, type convert drive_letter: /fs:ntfs, where drive_letter is the letter of the drive you want to convert, and then press Enter. For example, convert E: /fs:ntfs would convert drive E to the NTFS format. 4.Type the name of the volume you want to convert, and then press Enter. You must use the existing name of the volume or the conversion will be canceled. You can view all available volumes in the Computer folder under Hard Disk Drives. Open Computer by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button, and then clicking Computer. If the partition you are converting contains system files—which would be the case if you are converting the hard disk that the operating system was installed on—you will need to restart your computer for the conversion to take place. If your disk is almost full, the conversion process might not succeed. If you receive an error, try deleting unnecessary files, or back up files to another location, to free up disk space.


15TH FEBRUARY 2015 18:33:45

Aidan - thanks for taking the time to leave instructions. Much appreciated!


4TH JANUARY 2016 08:06:44

Thank you very much! FAT32 was the default on a SD card I'm using to transfer a bit file sneaker-net style. Formatted it NTFS and my 11GB file is now copying. My Nikon will need to reformat the card when I'm done with this little exercise, but that's not a problem.


4TH JANUARY 2016 17:02:11

My pleasure Stephen. Glad to be of help!


1ST APRIL 2016 08:56:06

A pleasure Bobby. Thanks for the feedback!


30TH OCTOBER 2017 11:33:59

Cannot copy files because the parameter is incorrect hello and hi from portugal. i was wandering why the incorrect parameter from copying files from one day to the other with extreme copy software, when in fact both external drivers are formatted with NTFS and the files are way bellow 4 gb. can you tell me how i can fix this issue?


3RD DECEMBER 2017 13:17:20

How to fix “Cannot copy file. The Parameter Is Incorrect” errOR Had a head-scratcher today whilst migrating some data from a 500GB External USB HDD to a new 1TB External USB HDD, both attached to a client server. Some of the data refused to copy across, throwing up a “Cannot copy file. The Parameter Is Incorrect Error” each time. Same error when the copy was attempted in DOS, RoboCopy or XCOPY. Upon investigation, each of the problematic files were 10GB+ in size – and suddenly the realisation dawned – that the new external HDD was formatted as FAT32 and not NTFS, and thus suffered from FAT32’s 4GB file limit. A quick format to NTFS on the drive, and I was able to copy those large files across without issue. Obviously, I have become so used to working with large files nowadays that sometimes I forget things weren’t always this way!


5TH DECEMBER 2017 19:44:00

Hey Jack. Thanks for the comment, and you're not the only one to be caught out that way! P.S. Love your movies. :-)

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