The GG was very proud this evening to share some geeky knowledge with me that I wasn’t aware of. “Did you know…” she beamed, already knowing my answer… “that you can use the BBC iPlayer on the Wii?”
Minutes later I’d purchased the Wii Internet Channel (basically a version of the web browser Opera with some Wii-esque modifications) directly from the Wii Shop for the princely sum of £3.50, and visited to find, sure enough, that I could sit and watch Stephen Fry’s briefing on the future of Public Broadcasting first shown on the BBC’s Parlimentary Channel this weekend.
Ironically, I’m typing this blog posting up on the GG’s own Apple MacBook on which the iPlayer doesn’t work! The BBC promises support for the Mac by the end of 2008.
Who’d have thought you could use software on a Nintendo Console, but not on the Apple Mac?!
3 thoughts on BBC iPlayer on the Wii
19TH MAY 2008 22:10:14
WAHWAHWHAT?!? Linda has a macbook!??! You kept this information pretty quiet Tubb! At least part of the household has a computing solution worth a damn now... ;-) Also, I would LOVE to pay $9.99 a month to have the spoils of the iplayer over here in the states, but alias it's not available :-(
20TH MAY 2008 07:05:56
Tsk - you don't even pay attention to the valuable comments on your own blog.
20TH MAY 2008 14:03:15
I have a blog?!?! Wow! ;-) Must, erm... start using that thing, er, again (twitter & facebook ftw!) And since I've now read the comment in question, I must protest! "Your" advice?? Boulderdash I say! We all know you believe OS X is witchcraft with, possibly, soul-stealing properties :)