Ruth Cavin over at The Telegraph has written a superb article entitled “Do You Facebook?” which is both an easy answer to refer any luddites who ask you “What is Facebook” to, and a surprisingly refreshing reminder to those of us who use Facebook as to what the hell we are doing using the site every day!
My obsession with reaching the top of my respective friends (friends? old school chums? loose acquaintances? cyber-stalkers?) Zombie/Werewolf/Vampire battle lists has already claimed a regular five minutes of my time everyday, and that’s without those odd “boredom breaks” logging in to see what has been happening!
I’ll have to keep that worryingly bad habit in check – or else I’ll end up forcing myself to leave Facebook like others already have!
1 thought on What is Facebook?
3RD OCTOBER 2007 00:07:24
Thanks for highlighting that Richard, very interesting.