The MSP Owners Guide to Surviving & Thriving in Uncertain Times
We live in uncertain times. With COVID-19 having a dramatic effect on everyone globally, IT Solution Providers and Managed Service Providers (MSPs) worldwide are needing to focus on surviving.
But surviving isn’t enough. The most proactive MSPs know that demand for IT services is higher than ever, and are refusing to simply get by — they’re thriving!
How are they doing this?
That’s the topic of my friend Nigel Moore’s new free eBook, Survive & Thrive: The MSP Owners Guide to Surviving & Thriving in Uncertain Times.
The MSP Owners Guide to Surviving & Thriving in Uncertain Times
Over the past few weeks, Nigel Moore of The Tech Tribe has been at the forefront of the efforts to support MSPs through this difficult time.
Nigel has been a part of numerous webinars (for a full list, see The COVID-19 MSP Resource Page for more details) alongside me and other industry experts like Gary Pica, Todd Kane and Stuart Warwick. We have all given our time and experience with the intention of helping MSPs navigate these choppy waters.
Based on those conversations, plus his experiences speaking with hundreds of MSPs in The Tech Tribe and beyond, Nigel has collated all the wisdom he’s learned into an eBook that he’s giving away for free.
Trust me when I say that this is an eBook that Nigel could have charged for!
It’s high-quality and full of practical advice such as:-
- What to Do to Give Your MSP the Best Chance of Survival
- What you need to do to Thrive when Confidence Returns
- How to Communicate to your Team & your Clients
How to download Survive & Thrive – The MSP Owners Guide
Click here and download Survive & Thrive – The MSP Owners Guide to Surviving & Thriving in Uncertain Times.
What challenges are you facing down right now? Are there any issues you’re facing that you’d like advice on? Leave a comment below or get in touch.