Every Friday I try to share one of my favourite finds of the week – a web-site, tool or app that has impressed me.
My Friday Favourite this week is Twubs – a new Twitter chat experience based around Hashtags which can help event organisers to register hashtags and manage Twitter chat for events.
Hashtags for events
Most Twitter users are familiar with Hashtags (#) – a way of grouping Twitter conversations about a single topic or event together. But it can be difficult to find and follow the right Hashtag for an event such as an IT Conference.
Twubs is a free service that allows event organisers to register a hashtag and then brand a page around that hashtag to share with others.
Moderate and Embed Tweets
Twubs also offers the facility for event organisers to moderate Tweets on their page – reducing spam and abusive Tweets – and to embed the Hashtag feed on your own website, making it easy for followers to find the Tweets about your events.
Post-event, Twubs allows event organisers to create an archive of Tweets and media shared during the event.
Twubs is an interesting tool and one that should be very useful to the organiser of any event to use.
Thanks to Michael de Groot for bringing my attention to Twubs!