Every Friday I try to share one of my favourite finds of the week – a web-site, tool or app that has impressed me.
My Friday Favourite this week is Tapdo – Control Apps and Devices with your Fingertips.
What is it?
Tapdo is a physical button that you can use to control all your favourite apps and devices by tapping it. The button can be worn on the wrist or located elsewhere.
The Tapdo button itself is a fingerprint sensor that allows you to assign dozens of different functions to the one button.
I met the Tapdo team at CeBIT in Hannover recently and was blown away by the potential of this product!
How can it help me?
The Tapdo button is connected to your Smartphone via Bluetooth. In the Tapdo app, you can choose compatible apps and assign single actions to each part of your finger.
For instance, you could mute and unmute your phone, or control your music player.You could start time tracking via Google Drive, or catch a song with Shazam.
You could start time tracking via Google Drive, or catch a song with Shazam.
There are lots of apps supported by Tapdo already, with more in the pipeline.
How much does it cost?
A Tapdo button and wristband retails for €129.
How can I get it?
Tapdo is currently running a Kickstarter campaign where you can pre-order a Tapdo button and wristband for €100.