How many non-fiction books have you been meaning to read? Loads, right? Wouldn’t it be nice to have short book summaries with the wisdom these reads contain?
Every Friday I share one of my favourite finds of the week — a website, tool or an app that has impressed me.
My Friday Favourite this week is Sumizeit – 10-Minute Non-Fiction Book Summaries.
What is it?
Sumizeit offers up short non-fiction book summaries, audio and video courses that enable you to improve your knowledge quickly.
How much does it cost?
Sumizeit is free for 3 book summaries.
The Sumizeit service costs from $3.75 for unlimited access.
Non-Fiction Book Summaries
I’ve shared before my thoughts on Why Successful Business Leaders Read Regularly.
I read at least one chapter of a book (typically business, personal development or biography) each day.
You can check out the list of books I’ve read, and am currently reading, by following me at Goodreads.
But like most of us, I’ve got a pile of non-fiction books that I want to read, but haven’t yet made the time to read.
This is where Sumizeit can help!
Sumizeit provides a series of short (typically 10-mins in length) summaries of popular non-fiction books, such as reads about:-
- Artificial Intelligence
- Productivity
- Remote Work
- Handling Stress
- Hiring Staff
- Mental Toughness
- Coaching
- Leadership
- Happiness
- Startup Businesses
… and much more.
All of the summaries you can digest including all of the important take-aways from the book.
Nearly all of the summaries can be read, listened to in audio-format, or watched in video-format.
While I’ll be the first to say that summaries can never replace the value of reading a full book, I have found the Sumizeit summaries a really good way to get a quick and thorough introduction to a topic.
On particularly busy days when I haven’t made the time to read a full chapter of a book, Sumizeit gives me a burst of intellectual goodness on a new topic.
If you find yourself wishing you could read more, but not making the time to do so, then Sumizeit may be a good way for you to rediscover your love of reading!
How can I get it?
Visit the Sumizeit website to start a free unlimited trial and begin reading book summaries immediately.
You can also visit the Sumizeit Facebook page, visit the Sumizeit LinkedIn page, or follow @Sumizeit on Twitter.