How to Effectively Sync Data Between 50+ MSP Tools – TubbTalk 85

How to Effectively Sync Data Between 50+ MSP Tools – TubbTalk 85 image

How to Effectively Sync Data Between 50+ MSP Tools

An Interview with Jon Littlechild

In this episode, Richard talks to Jon Littlechild, co-founder and Chief Technical Officer at Recursyv about how their data sync tool works, their commitment to security and the opportunity Recursyv presents to Managed Service Providers (MSPs.)

What do Recursyv Provide?

Recursyv offer a fully managed integration service.

What this means is that Recursyv ensure data is visible and usable in all apps, be they cloud or on-premise.

Equally important, Recursyv provide this as a subscription service, and aim to save their customers time, money and the need for additional training.

Recursyv provide a versatile tenant solution which evolves with the software and the needs of their clients.

The team at Recursyv refer to their service as MIPaaS – Managed Integration Platform-as-a-Service.

In Jon’s words, “Integration is hard, so Recursyv manage it for you.”

Why Recursyv Moved into the MSP Space

“The MSP world is full of Service Desk platforms and associated applications; many are islands of data.” says Jon.

Further, Jon added that Recursyv can provide significant value to the industry to enable them to deliver a better service to their customers.

As he and his co-founder have experience in CRM (Customer Relationship Management), they were already working with a lot of MSPs.

Therefore, Recursyv knew the challenges, understood the lingo, and knew what objectives MSPs have in terms of data sync.

Can't find a quick, streamlined solution for syncing #data across multiple tools in your #MSP? Then listen to episode 85 of TubbTalk, where @tubblog chats to @recursyv CTO Jon Littlechild about how their tool works. Click to Tweet

A Real Life Example of Data Sync for MSPs

Jon describes a common situation for MSPs running a helpdesk: their end user raises a ticket which is escalated to the MSP. Then, further information needs to be gathered.

Consequently, this is often achieved with back-and-forth emails to capture everything.

However, Jon points out that the customer’s service desk system has already collected all of the information, and using data sync, can then be sent to the external IT support.

As a result, Recursvy brings the two systems together so the data synchronises quickly and easily. 

Deployment of Recursyv for Data Sync

For the most part, Recursvy deploy their solution for their customers.

But, Jon adds that there are some users who have the same systems who create or operate their data sync integration themselves.

Additionally, if you’re not sure what data sync is, this article might help.

How Recursyv Work with Vendors

Jon says that they are keen to build relationships with Managed Services vendors.

As a result, Jon says that the company listens to their customers to see what pain points they have with data sync.

The team at Recursyv then try to work with the client’s vendors to resolve issues.

Recursyv also look at up and coming vendors launching something new or are moving into a new marketplace.

Furthermore, Jon says that vendors are welcome to get in touch to discuss how they can work together to support each other. 

How MSPs can Offer Recursyv Data Sync as a Client Solution

Jon says that a common MSP pain point is the disconnect between their clients and themselves, especially when they make system changes.

As a result, Recursyv offers them an opportunity to deliver a better service and reduce costs and overheads.

If, Jon adds, there’s a lot of communication and information sharing via email or spreadsheets, that takes up time on both sides and could mean that the MSP misses SLAs.

Therefore, to streamline the process and reduce mistakes, Recursyv is a good option to sync data.

The Recursyv Approach to Data Sync Security

As a company, Recursyv takes data sync security very seriously, and to reduce their risk don’t have a web portal.

Jon explains that all data is encrypted as it moves from A to B.

Plus, says Jon, Recursyv don’t store data because they don’t need it!

As a result, the data briefly rests during transit (for seconds) but it’s encrypted at this point too.

And, Jon adds, all data is managed within Microsoft Azure, which has great security protection.

Consequently, the whole transfer occurs within its secure system.

How to Connect with Jon Littlechild

How to Connect with Me

Mentioned in This Episode

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Richard Tubb is one of the best-known experts within the global IT Managed Service Provider (MSP) community. He launched and sold his own MSP business before creating a leading MSP media and consultancy practice. Richard helps IT business owner’s take back control by freeing up their time and building a business that can run without them. He’s the author of the book “The IT Business Owner’s Survival Guide” and writer of the award-winning blog

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