Bonusode: How IT Glue are Harnessing AI to Improve Documentation for MSPs

Bonusode: How IT Glue are Harnessing AI to Improve Documentation for MSPs image

Nadir Merchant is the General Manager and CTO for Kaseya’s MSP and IT operations Product Suite. He’s worked in DevOps and engineering. And he also held the role of chief technology officer for IT Glue, the documentation experts.

And today, his work is focused on building out the engineering offer. He spoke to Richard Tubb live at Dattocon 2024.

An Interview With Nadir Merchant

The IT Glue System

IT Glue is a documentation tool purpose built for the IT sector. And Nadir explains: “We bring standard operating procedures, unstructured documentation. And that’s along with hardware and structured asset information, and passwords together into a single tool.

“Because in our experience, these three different types of information are used together. But they’re typically stored in separate solutions. Technicians have to search all over for the data they need, and then they distract a colleague by asking for help.

“So IT Glue is designed to prevent that. First, we layered a lot of automation to make it easy to create the documentation and to maintain all that asset information. And we also leverage integrations to increase the automation.”

What is MyGlue?

MyGlue is a collaboration tool, built for MSPs using IT Glue. It allows their clients to share passwords and data. And it makes it much easier to request documentation – the MSP doesn’t have to send an email.

For instance, they can set up a monthly recurring checklist to update contacts, remove user access and so on. It also gives clients access to a knowledge base, and it integrates with a host of third-party tools.

However, they also built their own discovery technology to live on a network without being reliant on another API. They can scan an environment and document what they find. This can be scheduled or run ad-hoc.

How do @itglue help #MSPs to manage their documentation and what difference will #AI make? Nadir Merchant tells all to Richard Tubb. Click to Tweet

How AI Affects Documentation and the IT Glue Approach

According to Nadir, IT Glue have invested in AI technology in order to deliver IT Glue Copilot, – their AI-powered documentation assistant. It was designed to improve the overall documentation experience and increase the value for clients.

“So, we broke the tool down into different areas and looked at how to leverage AI. That’s things like the curation of documentation to make it up-to-date, and making it more accessible. Plus we investigated how we could improve the orchestration of the life cycle management of documentation.”

How to Manage Information Overload With Documentation

As information overload is often a real problem for many MSPs, IT Glue have introduced their own Copilot, which will offer a documentation health dashboard. This will help organisations to see and understand the current health of their documentation.

Nadir explains: “So this way, the businesses can better curate the documentation and make sure that the information in the system is relevant and being well-used, and there are no duplicates.

“Furthermore, it will provide them with insights into which documentation is not being used. Also, which documentation is being used but isn’t useful. And which documentation is duplicated. Because from conversations we have, we know these are all real challenges.”

How to Connect With Nadir Merchant

How to Connect With Me

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Richard Tubb is one of the best-known experts within the global IT Managed Service Provider (MSP) community. He launched and sold his own MSP business before creating a leading MSP media and consultancy practice. Richard helps IT business owner’s take back control by freeing up their time and building a business that can run without them. He’s the author of the book “The IT Business Owner’s Survival Guide” and writer of the award-winning blog

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