How Webroot’s cloud-based cyber security services help MSPs run their businesses more smoothly – TubbTalk #25

How Webroot’s cloud-based cyber security services help MSPs run their businesses more smoothly – TubbTalk #25 image

Richard talks to Adam Nash of Webroot about how their solutions help MSPs and why cyber security is so important.

An Interview with Adam Nash

Tubbtalk #25 - Adam Nash of WebrootWho are Webroot?

Adam Nash is the Sales Manager EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) of Webroot, a next-generation cloud-based cyber security company based in Colorado but operating globally. Their business-led solutions are aimed at MSPs (managed service providers), to deliver security services, make life easier, reduce administration, optimise their customers’ IT environment and improve efficiency.

What do They Offer?

They offer three solutions integrated into one: antivirus, managed straight from the cloud using just cloud intelligence to make detections and DNS (Domain Name Server) web filtering. They also offer security awareness training, which is phishing simulation to prevent users clicking links they shouldn’t. This training is delivered in a targeted way to those users who’ve accidentally fallen foul of a phishing campaign.

Why Adam Believes Cyber Security is Essential

Adam says it’s a software solutions provider’s job to arm an MSP with positioning arguments for their customers, and for that MSP to align themselves with the idea of ‘improved security and reduced infections’ and communicate that clearly to the end user.

'MSPs need to align themselves with the idea of improved security & reduced infections & communicate that to customers' Adam Nash of Webroot @Webroot Click to Tweet

Saying that you can drastically reduce the number of threats on a network is meaningless to a customer, so Adam says that MSPs need to talk about things such as productivity improvement, because a business owner understands why getting an extra 15% of working time out of their staff will impact their bottom line.

It’s helpful for the MSP to explain about the damage that a virus can do if a team member clicks on a URL or does something that lets someone into the network, and that the business being offline has a cost.

Why Cloud-Based Security is Important

There is a rapidly changing threat landscape, so Adam says that having up to date information about new threats can make a big difference, especially as there are around 200 million new pieces of malware just for Windows each year. Webroot provides this data and encourages partners to contribute too.

They focus on preventing any type of malware virus worm from running on machines and affecting the way that the machine operates. They scan specific folders where there could be an email loaded into memory, and anything loaded from scripts and websites to reduce the risk of viruses.

More money is made from cyber-crime (over $5m last year) than from traditional methods of fraud and extortion, so inevitably cyber criminals are becoming more innovative, because the rewards are bigger. 

What is Bright Cloud?

Bright Cloud is the cloud intel Webroot use of business solutions – AV, security manager training and DNS filtering – and it classifies URLs and content so traffic can be routed safely.

It integrates with software such as LogRhythm to give detections around things seen in alerts, and it also helps MSPs understand what anomalous behaviour looks like in the IoT (Internet of Things) space. The evolving threat landscape makes it harder to stop attacks coming from different places, so Bright Cloud assists with that.

How MSPs can Help Clients Stay Safe with IoT

The Internet of Things (IoT) is making a huge impact on how we do things, both in the home and at work. Adam recommends that MSPs look at what their customer has within their environment and then doing a proper inventory of what internet-enabled devices exist in order to understand what their risk profile looks like.

It’s also good to encourage password best practises for IoT devices, to make sure they’re as strong as possible and that no user or device is using the default username and password set on their devices.  Adam also recommends changing the ports that the devices are accessed from, so that a script key or someone with limited information but who knows which ports certain devices connect with isn’t able to compromise those devices.

Mentioned in this Episode

Interview Transcript

TubbTalk 25 with Adam Nash and Richard Tubb

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Richard Tubb is one of the best-known experts within the global IT Managed Service Provider (MSP) community. He launched and sold his own MSP business before creating a leading MSP media and consultancy practice. Richard helps IT business owner’s take back control by freeing up their time and building a business that can run without them. He’s the author of the book “The IT Business Owner’s Survival Guide” and writer of the award-winning blog

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