TubbTalk 128: Why a Cybersecurity First Service Mentality Keeps MSPs on Top of Cyber Trends

TubbTalk 128: Why a Cybersecurity First Service Mentality Keeps MSPs on Top of Cyber Trends image

An Interview With Mitch RedekoppCybersecurity

Stephen talks to Mitch Redekopp, CEO of Rivercity Technology Services, an MSP in Canada. The company has become known as one of the top-managed service providers in Saskatchewan. They operate on a cybersecurity-first approach, while also having highly experienced software development on hand.

They have a deep focus on packaging together cybersecurity and creating bespoke solutions to help improve their clients’ internal business processes. Rivercity won Emerging MSP Of the Year category at the SuperOps MSP Awards.

How Rivercity’s Cybersecurity and Software Offerings Fit Together

Mitch explains that Rivercity have a security-first mindset. In practical terms, at their first meeting with a potential client they explain that they’ll be carrying out a cyber risk assessment.

“We want to know what personal or identifiable information they hold and any security holes they might have. As MSPs, it’s our job to stay up to date with risks and protect our clients’ data. Backups and encryption aren’t enough – you need to plan  for what happens when clients are compromised.”

Rivercity also have a team of software developers on hand, which Mitch says is helpful. “The company started out with a focus on Access databases, and we still work on it now and again, so the developers are left over from that. But it’s great to be able to call on them to build internal automation or look at ways to improve client processes.” 

The Enroller Software Solution

The company aims to branch out into creating products that are suitable for the business market as a whole, rather than just MSPs and IT professionals. And of course, having in-house developers makes that easier.

Mitch explains: “We have a registration platform called ‘Enroller’, which is for youth camps and things like that. We built it for a local kids’ club, and we can see that it’s something that others would use too.

“However, I’m always on the lookout for other things that could address problems in the MSP space, too. I’ve got a lot of ideas brewing, so I’d like to explore them all. It’s just about getting the balance right.”

The Experience of Entering the MSP Awards

Mitch explains that he’s been following SuperOps for a while, and saw a LinkedIn post about the MSP awards. He found the entry process really straightforward and was very impressed by the calibre of the judges SuperOps had assembled.

“Winning this award means everything. There are lots of local business awards out there, but nothing directly for MSPs. Being able to share our success in a global competition with our community is invaluable.

“One of the big benefits is that it really helps with social proof and lead generation. If you see an award coming up, just go for it. I’m hoping to do that and keep getting our name out there.”

Why might #MSPs take a #cybersecurity approach to business? Mitch Redekopp of @rivercitytech explains more to @stevekarma77. Click to Tweet

Mitch’s Books on Cybersecurity and Business Life

Last year, Mitch was invited by Chris Wiser to co-author a book with the business strategies that owners can take to protect themselves from hackers and cybersecurity threats. It became an Amazon bestseller in several categories, which is something he’s understandably proud of.

He was also approached by Janna Dutton, a business owner and philanthropist based in Saskatoon. She invited individuals to share their stories and nuggets of advice in a book called Conversations over Coffee, which also became an Amazon bestseller.

“Writing a book is great for social proof and brand awareness. I’m hoping that in a few years, I’ll have some more knowledge to share for a different volume of Janna’s book. It was a great experience.” 

The Best and Worst Parts of Running a Cybersecurity Business

Mitch says one of the most challenging things about running an IT business is keeping up with the industry. “It’s not once a year or every couple of years you need to do training. Really, you need to be reading news articles, attending webinars, and following experts on social media. And doing so every week.

“If you’re not paying attention, you’re falling behind. It’s a busy industry, and there’s continuous growth happening. It’s also really easy to get caught up in doing too much work yourself, so you have to learn to delegate.”

On the other hand, Mitch says his experiences with the channel have been really positive. “The vendors and my peers are amazing.” He also loves taking care of his staff and contributing to their personal and professional growth, which he says is super rewarding. 

Mitch’s Predictions for Cybersecurity and Protection

Mitch highlights automation and AI as two things that MSPs should keep an eye on. “The key is to get ahead of the curve and see what’s coming next. Then you can work out how to harness it properly.

“And there’s still going to be a focus on cybersecurity because that’s getting more serious. Plus, there’s always a need for us as MSPs to be up to date with compliance rules and legal requirements, and help our clients to do the same.”

Mitch says it’s important to be informed of changes and developments, and in his own business, provide educational content for his customers. For he and his team, they want to encourage a security-first mindset.

How to Connect With Mitch Redekopp

How to Connect With Me

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Richard Tubb is one of the best-known experts within the global IT Managed Service Provider (MSP) community. He launched and sold his own MSP business before creating a leading MSP media and consultancy practice. Richard helps IT business owner’s take back control by freeing up their time and building a business that can run without them. He’s the author of the book “The IT Business Owner’s Survival Guide” and writer of the award-winning blog www.tubblog.co.uk

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