TubbTalk 172: Richard in The Hotseat: Advice on Business, Wellbeing and Growth

TubbTalk 172: Richard in The Hotseat: Advice on Business, Wellbeing and Growth image

In this unique TubbTalk episode, I become the guest! I was interviewed on The Remarkable People Show, broadcast earlier this year (2024). It’s hosted by Polly Brennan and Maggie Martin on Koast Radio, a local station in the north east of England. We talk business, wellbeing and more.

An Interview With Richard Tubb

How I Started Tubblog

‘Tubblog’ the blog dates back to my time as an MSP owner. My intention was to share an online journal into what was working and what wasn’t. My company was supporting other local small businesses, so I was learning a lot.

And my competitors thought it was ridiculous, because I was sharing all of the secret sauce and behind the scenes experiences. But I carried on doing it, and people started to ask me to speak at events and so on. Then in 2014 or so, I sold my company.

I had no plans for ‘what next’ other than sitting around in my pants, eating pizza. But then IT owners started ringing and asking for advice – they felt they could ask now I was no longer a competitor. And it took off from there. Now there’s a podcast, books, social media channels…

How I Support My Wellbeing with Downtime

So as much as I’s like to shatter the IT and tech geek stereotype, I’m afraid I can’t! I love comic books, superhero movies and all that sort of thing. I get excited when a new Marvel film comes out.

I’m also a committed Whovian, and watch the Christmas/New Year specials every year as they’re broadcast live. Plus I have my own retro gaming museum, which is exactly how it sounds!

I travel a lot for work, even though I’m always cutting back, so having things I enjoy and can do to relax is vital for my wellbeing. I’d urge any small business owner to do the same.

How I Stay Resilient for Better Mental Wellbeing

If I’m honest, I’ve always been a people pleaser. And that also translates into putting those around me first. I want to make sure that they’re well and happy. Now, that’s no bad thing on the surface, but it can mean I put other people’s feelings before my own wellbeing.

So I’ve worked to be aware of that and put myself first more. When I’m struggling with depression, I remind myself that my brain is being unkind and saying things that aren’t true. It’s telling me lies, and being hurtful. And remembering that helps.

And I also remind myself that I’m loved and appreciated. When people give me nice feedback, I thank them and acknowledge it to myself. I keep their letters and emails as a physical reminder that I look at from time to time. So when my brain says I’m awful and unlikeable, those messages are what’s really true.

Daily Techniques to Keep My Wellbeing Tank Topped Up

My number one tool for better mental wellbeing is meditation. As a geek, I love to look at the apps and things that people use, especially when they’re successful. And what I noticed was that those people all meditate. Some with an app, and some without.

So I started out using the Headspace app, doing 10 minutes a day. And I’ve now been doing it for 10 years. It give me a bit of calm when things are hectic. If you think you’re too busy to meditate, that’s probably the time you need it most.

I also journal regularly. For me, I like to take five minutes at the start and end of each day to reflect on the good things that have happened. I try to come up with something unique each time. And it’s a nice way to find the positives when you’ve had a hard day.

In a special TubbTalk episode, Richard Tubb is the guest! He joins Polly Brennan and Maggie Martin on The Incredible People radio show to talk business, wellbeing and more. Click to Tweet

My Superpower

The British have a reputation for not blowing their own trumpet, but it turns out that it’s a global problem. I recently asked the team to share their superpowers, and they really struggled.

But because I work with them so closely, I could see what they were really good at. And I’d say that’s my superpower – seeing the potential in people that they don’t see themselves.

I’ve done that a few times as a mentor. So I hope I can encourage people to build their skills and become more confident in acknowledging what they’re good at.

The Best Piece of Advice I’ve Been Given

The best advice I’ve ever been given? Don’t do it alone. There’s a notion that you have to struggle on your own, but that’s absolutely not the case. Because things are tough enough, so find good people to surround yourself with. They’ll remind you of your value.  And in turn that supports your wellbeing.

I’ve always been inspired by successful people in my industry. So often, people think, ‘Oh, I can’t talk to them. They’re too successful’. But the opposite is true. Tell them they’ve made an impact on you, and they’ll be thrilled to know that.

The most successful people in the world have been the ones to freely give their time to me. Don’t ask for anything, just let them know how they’ve helped. And you might be surprised with their reply.

How I’d Like to Leave the World a Better Place

When my father passed away 13 years ago, he wasn’t successful in a business sense, but he was a happy man. He’d lived a good life and had many ways to define success.

And at his funeral, my brother and I were amazed by all the people coming up to us who hadn’t seen our dad for 30 years. They’d tell us how he’d done something kind for them, and what it had meant to them. There was a stream of people.

So that made me think about legacy. What will people say about you when you’re gone? How will they feel about you? Because even if you haven’t kept in touch, if you’ve helped them, they’ll remember that. So I’d like people to speak well of me. I’ve written further about this in a blog post here.

How to Connect With Polly and Maggie

How to Connect With Me

Mentioned in This Episode

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Richard Tubb is one of the best-known experts within the global IT Managed Service Provider (MSP) community. He launched and sold his own MSP business before creating a leading MSP media and consultancy practice. Richard helps IT business owner’s take back control by freeing up their time and building a business that can run without them. He’s the author of the book “The IT Business Owner’s Survival Guide” and writer of the award-winning blog www.tubblog.co.uk

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