As August draws to a close, here is a selection of random stuff I’ve learnt (or had to re-learn) as a Business Owner this month.
- Risk Management doesn’t just mean Health and Safety – it means planning for the worst in any scenario
- Invoicing on time is really, really important
- Taking on employees won’t magically free up all of your time to do more important things – in fact it will take up more of your time… initially, at least
- Understand that some suppliers simply don’t understand good Customer Service – by all means register your complaint at their feckless behaviour, but don’t expect them to respond to it – don’t try to change them, simply don’t give them your business anymore
- If an Supplier you’ve never dealt with before says they’ve got an item in stock on their web-site – don’t believe them
- If an Supplier you’ve never dealt with before says they’ve got an item in stock over the telephone – still don’t believe them
- Don’t deal with Suppliers you’ve never dealt with before – unless they’ve been recommended to you by a respected peer
- If you’ve not put your prices up in the last twelve months, put them up today – it’s the quickest way to increase profits without winning any new work
- Get your Engineers to carry spare USB, Ethernet, Modem and Power Cables in their work-kit and leave ample spares on client sites – when you’re ultra-busy and have to waste 30 minutes travel-time in a round-trip to collect a £0.69p cable, this point becomes especially relevant
- Always copy the SBS Installation CD’s onto the Server Hard Disk to save yourself a trip to site
- Never ask a client to put a SBS Installation CD into a Server CD-ROM – they’ll probably end up putting in the Parallel Port, or the UPS, or the Toilet Cistern…
- Label every plug for future reference
- Never remove an unlabelled plug assuming it’s a monitor – you’ll undoubtedly find it’s a server…
- When you’re feeling a bit uninspired, aimlessly Facebook is not the place to look to for inspiration – read a chapter from a good motivational book instead
- You can’t do it all on your own – don’t be afraid to ask for help
- When you’re feeling low, kind words from peers can be a real boost
- And remember that a kind word from you to a peer might help lift them when they need it too
- Don’t work on a problem for more than an hour before asking someone for a fresh perspective
- Don’t miss breakfast or lunch, and regularly get a good nights sleep
- If something is urgent, pick up the ‘phone and call them instead of e-mailing them
- Been putting off making a ‘phone call? What’s stopping you from making it right now?
If any of the above seems bleeding obvious, then that’s because it most certainly is – but I’m guessing you’ve got a similar story to share so feel free to leave comments with your stunning realisations, I’d love to read ’em. 🙂
photo credit: Bunches and Bits {Karina} via photopin cc
2 thoughts on Things I’ve learnt as a business owner this month
29TH AUGUST 2008 18:13:46
"Thank you" buys a lot and costs little.
29TH AUGUST 2008 22:38:22
August's Lessons: Assume the customer is stupid. Plan everything for them Document everything for them Document the entire time line of a project - highlighting their responsibilities Add a 300% margin for error when BT are involved with the Phones / Broadband / fact make that 500%. Don't let them run away with their own expectations of a project - establish their expectations, then beat them (the expectations, not the customer with a stick however tempting) Have a spare 3G mobile broadband modem at all times along with a 3G router - yup, BT again!!! Despite manufacturer's recommendations, 10 PCs and 10 IP phones will run on one 3G connection but don't expect it to fly! Here's to September!