I had a blast recently being interviewed for the AllThings Productivity Podcast with hosts David Hay and Maria Drummond. The episode is now live and you can listen here or via Stitcher Radio.
How to take Fridays off
In our interview we talk, amongst other things, about:-
- M
y love/hate relationship with email
- My experiment in reducing my emails by a quarter
- My Experiment in using the Telephone instead of E-Mail
- Systemising and automating your business. Or as I call it, “being devoted to being a lazy, lazy man”
- The Managed Service Provider “Bible” – The E-Myth Revisited
- Meditation with the Headspace app
- Why You Should Create a To NOT Do List
- The importance of Sleep and 3 Ways To Worry Less and Sleep Better as a Business Owner
- My constant struggles with procrastination and how to end procrastination with the Pomodoro technique.
- My Daily Productivity Routine
- How I’d survive a Zombie Apocalypse (no, really)
How to take Fridays off
We also talk extensively about the fact I no longer work of a Friday and how I manage to achieve this status quo, yet still remain as productive as when I worked a standard 5 day week.
The 4-day week, could it work for you?
Thank you David and Maria for inviting me on to the Podcast and for giving us extended time to chat. I hope you enjoy our conversation!