In my last blog post, I talked about why your MSP should resell Broadband Internet services. Selling Business Grade Broadband to your clients helps you to reduce support costs, increase recurring revenue and it helps your clients to avoid expensive downtime.
But what if your client doesn’t believe Business Grade Broadband is an asset to their business? What if they believe that it is, in fact, simply an unavoidable cost?
Many of you will have experienced working with clients like this. If they don’t see the power of digital, how can you help to educate them otherwise?
What makes companies grow?
When you take a look at the ingredients that go into helping an Small & Medium Sized Business (SMB) grow – the case for embracing a strong digital infrastructure is huge.
In a report entitled “This Is for Everyone: The Case for Universal Digitisation”, leading global management consulting firm Strategy& (formerly Booz & Company) found that highly digitised SMB’s tend to grow at a faster rate than less-digitised SMB’s. The benefits for the SMB include reduced costs through back-office automation and electronic communication, faster growth due to effective marketing and wider geographical reach, and improved customer service through improved levels of customer satisfaction, service and retention.
In fact, to dig into the report deeper – thanks to embracing digital services, 62% of SMB’s attracted more customers and 58% believed their marketing was more effective.
It’s obvious that embracing digital services is key to an SMB’s growth – and as a Managed Service Provider (MSP) providing technology support and guidance to SMB clients it is your responsibility to ensure that they are aware of the opportunities this brings – including offering business grade Broadband Internet.
I’d encourage you to check out the report from Booz & Company – it is a useful tool for helping to educate your SMB clients as to why they should embrace Business Grade Broadband and enable them to see digitisation as a valuable enabler to their business growth plans.
And if you’re an SMB who doesn’t currently work with an MSP – consider doing so. Such partners can be much more than the “IT guy” to your business – that can be your trusted guide through enabling your business through digitisation.
photo credit: machernucha via photopin cc