Get my MSP Insights every week by email

Every week, I send out a short email to thousands of IT business owners, Managed Service Providers (MSPs) and IT professionals.

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As a special thank you and to welcome you to the MSP Insights family, we have a free ebook about all things content marketing.

A collection of conversations and practical advice from content creators who do not necessarily work in interesting or fun industries – some might even say they work in “boring” sectors!

Over 30 pages of inspiring stories and real-life examples including the full interview I gave all those years ago that became the inspiration for this ebook – it is guaranteed to make you think differently about promoting your services to your future clients.


There’s no fluff. No nonsense.
Just great insights for busy people who need to stay current in the MSP world

My commitment to you is to research, compile and share valuable information twice a week:

  • Every Tuesday, you will receive the long-standing ‘MSP Insights’ bulletin to help you reflect on what it means to manage your MSP in today’s economy.
  • Every Thursday, myself and Team Tubb will share our top content curated from the growing library of resources on
  • When MSP businesses like yourself ask me a question, I answer that question.
  • When there is an event, or a successful person in the IT industry, I share the details.
  • If there’s a cool new vendor, tool or app I think you should try, I point you towards it.

This is what I enjoy doing, and that’s what my bi-weekly emails are all about.

I give you ideas that are, in one way or another, useful for you to use towards your growth as a business owner.

And if you want to chat with me, simply hit reply. I’m there!

I write back! (Go on, test it out, lots of people do!) The goal is to give you practical tips that you can take action on.

So, are you ready to join the thousands of other MSP owners who receive my insights by email? Go for it!

As always, the input and insight from you Richard Tubb, was world class and much appreciated! Thank you for including me in your mention and for the acknowledgement of my unique worth. I look forward to many more interactions and sessions!

Got to tell you that Richard’s weekly roundup videos are really good! And thanks for all the help in promoting our resources.

“The content from Richard was amazing and I was able to get advice and action points put in place. In addition to the advice I needed I managed to get some very useful tips on a few other areas of my business which were golden nuggets.”


Thank you

My personal thanks to you for choosing to subscribe to ‘MSP Insights’ and our additional ‘content spotlight’ ebulletins. Keep in touch and let me how we can make a difference to you and your business!
