Are you interested as to why I’m now blogging on Google Plus in addition to this blog?
As part of my latest experiment, during the month of August 2013 (and very possible ongoing, if the experiment is a success) I’m going to be writing a number of blog articles exclusively on Google Plus.
Why write on Google+?
Since starting this blog 8 years ago this month in August 2005 (you can still read my first ever blog post – “To Blog Or Not To Blog?”) the subject of the content of my posts have changed in focus. I started out blogging about whatever took my fancy from geek stuff to popular culture to music.
As the blog evolved I found myself primarily writing about technology – knowledgebase-like “How to” articles and reviews.
Then, as I grew my own IT business and subsequently sold it and took up my current role – providing expert advice to help IT businesses grow – the focus of my blog posts became business and personal growth topics.
Today, the vast majority of subscribers to my blog visit because of this focus on business growth topics. I don’t want to stray too far from this topic and alienate those visitors, but that still leaves me itching to write about certain other topics – which is where Google+ comes in.
Blogging on Google+
At the end of July, noted Google+ blogger Mike Elgan threw down the gauntlet and asked Bloggers: Try blogging exclusively on Google+ for one month.
While I’m not going to stop writing for my own blog during this time, as an experiment I am going to write some blog posts exclusively for Google+ – both to satisfy my own need to write about any subject I care to and to see if I can raise my level of engagement on Google+.
Why you should read me on Google+!
If you’re not already using Google+ then you’re missing a big trick! Despite what you may read, Google+ is *not* a “ghost town”. Nor is it Google’s version of Facebook. It’s much more than that, offering some great communities, lots of content and writers that you won’t find elsewhere, and is a glimpse into the next wave of Google technologies – including authorship and Hangouts. Still unconvinced? Have a read of my article Should I Be Using Google+?
That being said, if you simply enjoy reading about technology, gadgets, books, social media, business, sci-fi or comic books – then start following me on Google+ because I plan to write a number of Google+ exclusive blogs over the next month and more!
Follow me on Google+
So there we have it. I’m going to enjoy experimenting with blogging on Google+! I’d be interested in your hearing your thoughts, both in the comment section here and by reaching out to me on Google+.
You can find me on Google+ here – I hope you’ll join me!
2 thoughts on Why I’m now blogging on Google Plus
25TH OCTOBER 2013 03:55:18
Hey Richard nice blog you have here continue the good work. I was wondering how your experience has been of blogging on Google+. Would you recommend it? I'm have been also toying with the idea of writing some exclusive posts for Google+ and I thought you would be a good person to get advise from. Thanks.
25TH OCTOBER 2013 16:42:28
Pali - thanks for getting in touch! I've now written a number of Google+ "exclusive" blog posts, typically on topics that fall slightly outside the scope of Tubblog. The feedback and engagement has been good. I believe that, in a round-about way, it probably raises awareness of this blog - so I'd recommend it to any blogger! Good luck with your own Google+ blogging and be sure to circle me ( so I can say hello and read your posts! :-)