Every Friday I share one of my favourite finds of the week — a website, tool or an app that has impressed me.
To support Mental Health Awareness week, my Friday Favourite this week is The Man Sprouts Man-ifesto – Reclaim your ‘Man Sprouts,’ your place in life and speak up for your mental well being.
What is it?
The Man Sprouts Mani-festo is a short eBook by David Algeo, looking at male mental health.
Dave is writer, speaker and trainer. He specialises in working with individuals and organisations to achieve sustainable success. In other words, success without sacrificing one’s own well-being.
How can a Book About Male Mental Health Help Me?
Most of us have experienced, or know somebody who has experienced, mental health challenges at some point during their life.
Certainly, I have. I wrote a while ago on why I’m rebooting my blog and my business. As a man, I know I’m definitely not alone in struggling from time to time.
As author David Algeo puts it: “Thriving as a man in the world today requires a shift in our mindset, development of new skills and a willingness to challenge the existing culture. It can be challenging finding our place amidst the confusing stereotypes and expectations. And, we may not be great at opening up about our feelings, struggles and desires.”
The Man Sprouts Mani-festo sets out to help men with their mental health. It’s a very short, easy to read PDF eBook.
How much does it cost?
The Man Sprouts Man-ifesto is a free download.
How can I get it?
Click here to download your free copy of the Man Sprouts Man-ifesto eBook, and to find out more about the Man Sprouts movement.
You can also have a listen to my interview with Dave on my TubbTalk podcast. And thanks to Presentation Skills Trainer Simon Raybould for the great recommendation!
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