Every Friday I try to share one of my favourite finds of the week – a web-site, tool or app that has impressed me.
My Friday Favourite this week is Fount – a free tool that enables you to quickly identify any web font you see!
Bookmark to quickly identify web fonts
Fount can be a very useful tool for anyone involved in the design or maintenance of web pages. You may spot a font on a web page and want to quickly find out what that font is called. I also know from experience that it’s very easy to use a font in one of your own pages and then forget the name of the font in the future!
To use Fount, visit http://fount.artequalswork.com/ and drag the Fount button to your bookmarks bar. The next time you see a font you want to identify, click the Fount bookmark and then click on the font you’d like it to identify. Simple, but powerful!
Thanks to Yvonne Miaoulis of MSP Builder for the link!