How To Use “Predictive Text” in Microsoft Word

How To Use “Predictive Text” in Microsoft Word image

Microsoft WordA client today asked me if it was possible to have “predictive text” within Microsoft Word. What he was trying to do was start to begin typing a sentence he regularly types – say his address, “26 Thisisalong Street Name”, but for Word to recognise he was typing this and fill the rest in automatically, saving his overworked fingers and reducing his risk of RSI! 🙂

The solution I gave him was to use Word’s AutoCorrect feature. If you’re a Microsoft Word user, you’ll have already seen Autocorrect. Try typing “tehm” (without the quotes) into Microsoft Word and you’ll notice a squiggly red line appear under it. Right-click that line, and Word useful suggests that you may have actually meant to type “them” instead, correcting it for you automatically.

Using Autocorrect for Frequently Used Text

But as well as correcting mis-spelled words, AutoCorrect can be used to enter shortcuts for frequently used text:-

  1. Open Microsoft Word and click the Microsoft Office icon found in the top left hand corner
  2. Select “Word Options” from the bottom of the menu
  3. Click “Proofing”, then “AutoCorrect Options”
  4. In the “Replace Text as you type” enter a shortcut – for example, I might enter #rt to automatically fill in the word “Richard Tubb”
  5. Enter as many shortcuts as you like. When you are finished, click “Ok” to end

Voila! The next time you type your new Shortcut Code, Word automatically fills in the rest!

This can be handy for automatically entering long repeatedly used URL’s, addresses, anything you don’t like to type again and again!


Richard Tubb is one of the best-known experts within the global IT Managed Service Provider (MSP) community. He launched and sold his own MSP business before creating a leading MSP media and consultancy practice. Richard helps IT business owner’s take back control by freeing up their time and building a business that can run without them. He’s the author of the book “The IT Business Owner’s Survival Guide” and writer of the award-winning blog

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25 thoughts on How To Use “Predictive Text” in Microsoft Word


22ND JANUARY 2012 10:47:48

Thanks ! This was so helpful ~


25TH JANUARY 2012 17:30:26

Luna - glad to be of help. Thanks! :-)


5TH JULY 2012 20:21:34

I would like to find something kind of like what happens when I type on my android phone, have you seen anything like that?


6TH JULY 2012 09:18:54

James - try SwiftKey - - very useful for predictive text on Android.


1ST DECEMBER 2012 11:36:56

Like your client I also yerned for some predictive text in Microsoft Word; in the end I wrote this (free) add-in that auto-completes text and guesses your next words by learning how you type. Maybe it'll be of some interest!


6TH DECEMBER 2012 19:06:27

Thomas - thanks for letting me know about your free add-in for Word. It looks great! I'll be checking it out!


22ND SEPTEMBER 2014 21:45:51

Sadly this is as easy as using the Variables method. Since my documents are all different and the consistency I'm looking for dosn't work for this I'm still waiting for a tool. Here's what I would like to see: Analyzation based on repetitive phrases similar to font styles ("select all 47 instances"). It would show you a list of repetative phrases so for instance, you are typing: Enter the text in the box as shown. It may show a list that shows (normally you type "textbox") or "Type the text" - 15 "Enter the text" - 11 And have a tool to quickly view each instance and replace with the more popular phrase. As a technical Writer this is going to be the best feature for simplifiing content to be consistent throughout and make it extrememly STE compliant.


24TH SEPTEMBER 2014 10:33:31

Charles - thanks for the feedback. I hope one of my readers might spot your comment and point you towards a tool that can help you!


25TH SEPTEMBER 2014 13:50:41

I have stuck an opposite problem in Office 2013. Using it on an Asus Transformer, when in tablet mode , word keeps inserting predictive text, and I can't teach it not to. For example, an autocorrect short cut of mine is "sb" which word automatically changes to "SB" so the elongated word switchboard comes out in all caps. There is a small predictive text box which I can't control or turn off, and I can even find reference to it in word help. Sigh. Any thoughts?


27TH SEPTEMBER 2014 10:10:05

Lisa - there are instructions of how to turn on or off AutoCorrect options at - are they of any help?


9TH JANUARY 2015 15:20:04

I think James is asking auto correct, text prediction, auto suggestion in pc....not in mobile...


10TH JANUARY 2015 08:10:34

Thanks for clarifying Saif! I've not seen anything like the SwiftKey App for Android that can be used to auto-predict text on a PC.


12TH AUGUST 2015 07:00:00

*Woot Woot* this was soo helpful! as I am a newbie typist. Thanks so much for preventing my (seemingly but hopefully not) inevitable demise into {gasp!} CTS-Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.... <3


14TH AUGUST 2015 10:20:19

My pleasure Merry -- thanks for the kind feedback!


15TH SEPTEMBER 2015 14:23:16

Brilliant! (and so easy). Thanks for the tip :)


19TH SEPTEMBER 2015 10:11:14

My pleasure Kate!


13TH MARCH 2017 15:12:44

Sir, I remember once i was using word, the predictive word suggestions were coming in the front like bubbles and had an option to select from them. I don't know which version of word was that (2003 or 2007) making me easier for proofing. I am not able to enable such options.


28TH MARCH 2017 08:54:04

Hi Vijay -- I'm not familiar with that function either. I wonder if any of my other readers can help?


24TH OCTOBER 2017 08:31:07

this was so helpful. thank you so much.


27TH OCTOBER 2017 06:32:41

My pleasure -- thanks for the kind feedback.


5TH FEBRUARY 2018 12:59:55

Thank you for your generosity in sharing the info. Knowledge is power and the nation would be so much better if everyone shared. God bless you.


23RD FEBRUARY 2018 20:49:51

Thanks for the useful tip. Hope more people find it as useful as I did.


30TH APRIL 2018 12:45:29

Would really love to see a tool (Apple Mac Friendly!) that is like typing on our phones. It would make writing uni assignments so much quicker than right clicking on every misspelt word (especially when it's only one letter off).


14TH JUNE 2018 07:15:34

Ooh! That's an interesting idea! I wonder if anyone can recommend such a tool?


17TH AUGUST 2019 06:22:06

Here's a T9 keyboard that you can use on your PC. Is that what you were looking for?

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