Want Better Security for Your MSP and Clients? Top Backup Tips

Want Better Security for Your MSP and Clients? Top Backup Tips image

To mark World Backup Day, I asked several of my colleagues from across the world to share their top tips on how to keep client data safe.Top Backup Tips for IT Managed Service Providers

Remember – even though your clients’ data is in the cloud, you, as the MSP, have responsibility for keeping it safe.

There are all kinds of SaaS and cloud options out there to help you, but a backup is only as good as its recovery.

My recommendation is to look at cloud to cloud backup solutions, which go above and beyond the manufacturers’ backups and really save you time.

I’d also suggest offering self-service restores to the end users. This means fewer tickets and an additional revenue stream for you.

Read on for more tips, and check out the video too!



Rick Yates – Axcient

Most MSPs offer a tiered pricing system for data backup, with basic backup as the cheapest option. However, Rick says that this gives SMBs the impression that the ‘gold standard’ level is more than they need. And this means

many of them aren’t protected to the level they should be.

In fact, many of the solutions that were expensive a couple of years ago are now affordable, such as one-click data recovery. Rick recommends MSPs have a look at what’s available and offer a wider range of options to client. This allows them to increase their revenue stream, too!

Find out more about Axcient here.

Adam Preeo – Axcient

Adam says that they find that most MSPs have partnerships with several vendors for backup services. So, it can be hard to maintain all of the relationships and stay on top of the different technology.

To make things easier, make sure the partner company can restore data quickly no matter where the users are, and regardless of which tools they use.

By consolidating your vendors, MSPs can have one point of contact to restore data for remote workers and monitorGSuite and Microsoft 365.

And, you can have reports available on a single pane of glass. Adam also recommends choosing a partner who is used to working with MSPs. Even better, data backup as their core competency. Ideally, separate the backup from the recovery, too.

Steve Petryschuk – Auvik

Steve’s biggest tip is to automate your backups rather than wasting time doing it manually. He also recommends regular checks to make sure everything is working properly. Secondly, make sure there’s a copy, whether that’s in the cloud or a separate physical location.

Thirdly, test your backups frequently, too. That way, you don’t end up with corrupted data at the time you need them most.

Have a solid recovery plan, and make sure you’re backing up as often as possible. Include cloud storage as well as workstations and servers. Learn more about Auvik’s solutions on their website.

Save time in your MSP by automating your #backups, says Steve Petryschuk of @AuvikNetworks. And make sure you’re doing these regularly to avoid data loss. Click to Tweet

Nigel Moore – The Tech Tribe

When talking to clients about data backup, Nigel says that MSPs focus on the wrong things:

  • Protecting all the data
  • Multiple retention points to go back to different times
  • Notifications
  • Testings

Instead, says Nigel, they should focus on RTO.

The Recovery Time Objective (RTO) metric focuses on the amount of time it takes while in a crisis to recover the client data or systems and how quickly they can get back to business as usual. This can take minutes or weeks, depending on how bad things are. It’s important to be upfront about this.

Then, you can offer different solutions at a range of price points. Each level will offer quicker data restoration, with a corresponding price increase.

Make sure the clients know what they can expect BEFORE there’s a disaster. Join The Tech Tribe to find a supportive community of like-minded MSPs.

Top Backup Tips

Kyle Marsan – Barracuda MSP

Kyle’s big tip is: don’t forget about your remote workers. During the COVID pandemic, many companies had to close their offices.

And this led to the question: “How do you protect all of those employees working from home?”

While a shift to cloud computing has been a positive in many ways, it’s also led to devices outside of the network being forgotten.

Staff will save things locally to their PCs even if you ask them not to, and they’ll all have different configurations.

Kyle recommends having a plan in advance ahead of time so you can restore these devices if there’s a disaster. And take an image backup too. Find out more about Barracuda here.

When it comes to data backup, don't forget about your clients' #remote workers too! They're easily overlooked, says Kyle Marsan of @BarracudaMSP. Click to Tweet

Carl Oliver – Giacom

As Microsoft 365 and other cloud services increase in popularity, there’s a need for a reliable backup solution for all of the data. If your MSP provides 365 to clients, Carl suggests offering a bundle of 365 and a cloud-to-cloud backup solution.

This creates a much safer solution for your customers, providing a differentiator and an opportunity to make a higher recurring revenue with just 365 alone.

But what if clients don’t understand the value of this? Explain that Microsoft recommends a backup solution in their own client agreement.

Learn how Giacom can help you scale your business here.

Jason Kemsley – Uptime Solutions

Test the DR (disaster recovery) solution now, says Jason, even if that seems obvious. He points out that your MSP clients rely on you, and in turn you rely on your vendors.

If you’ve never tested a DR or ransomware scenario to see what kind of support you’d get from vendors in a crisis, then you need to do it now.

Backup is important for more than just file and disaster recovery – it also plays a key part in ransomware scenarios.

So, Jason suggests simulating a ransomware or DR situation and use it to test how quickly your chosen vendor responds. You need to know that your vendors will help you to deliver the service you ultimately want to deliver.

Find out more about Uptime’s outsourcing solutions for MSPs.

Top Backup Tips

JB Fowler – Domotz

When it comes to securing client data, you need to make sure network configurations are backed up. The network infrastructure, says JB, including switches, firewalls and wireless access points, are critical components.

This is the backbone of your client’s business, and not backing it up is a failing of your MSP.

Look for a network management solution which automatically backs up your network configuration to the cloud.

If something goes wrong, you have what you need to quickly restore the network and minimise downtime.

Visit the Domotz website to learn about their remote network device monitoring.

Robert Baugh – Keepabl

If you’re not taking backups, then you’re probably not complying with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), says Robert.

GDPR requires MSPs to put in place appropriate security measures to protect personal data. Remember: backups are a key part of good security.

Robert also points out that a personal data breach is a PR disaster for all businesses, and should be avoided.

When investors, partners, customers and auditors ask about your security or privacy compliance, they’ll want to see a backup policy. This will support your business continuity and disaster recovery policies.

Keepabl provides GDPR compliance software for MSPs. Learn more about GDPR on the government website.

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Richard Tubb is one of the best-known experts within the global IT Managed Service Provider (MSP) community. He launched and sold his own MSP business before creating a leading MSP media and consultancy practice. Richard helps IT business owner’s take back control by freeing up their time and building a business that can run without them. He’s the author of the book “The IT Business Owner’s Survival Guide” and writer of the award-winning blog www.tubblog.co.uk

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